Management systems must be established before you invest in a sheep farming enterprise. You need to evaluate your resources, plan properly and purchase quality breeds from known breeders. In our program of 21 April, Dr Louis du Pisani, Independent Agricultural Consultant discusses extensive stock farming and how to make a profit.
Dr Josef van Wyngaard, Technical Manager of Voermol, has some information on winterfeed supplementation, the benefits of lick supplements and creep feed. Sheep are commonly supplementary feed during late summer, autumn, and early winter to reduce grazing pressure on pastures, meet the sheep’s energy and protein requirements and improve production of meat or wool.
Estalanie Marais is the Marketing Manager at Foxenburg Estate. Foxenburg Estate is the home of award-winning hand-made goats’ cheese, yoghurts and organic extra virgin olive oil. Estalanie tells us more about all of this and their Swiss Saanen goats.
Charles Freem, Director of B3 Genetic Stud Breeders, farms with Meatmaster sheep. It is key to prepare well before an auction. Charles discusses the ‘to do list’.
Charles Freem, Director of B3 Genetic Stud Breeders, farms with Meatmaster sheep. It is key to prepare well before an auction. Charles discusses the ‘to do list’.