Landbou Radio – 19 May 2021

Production costs can add up fast, eating into your profit margins. Before starting a farming enterprise, establish your production goals and management systems. Evaluate your resources, especially your financial resources. In our program of 19 May, Dr. Louis du Pisani Independent Agricultural Consultant discusses the key factors that need to be taken into consideration before starting an extensive sheep production enterprise. Do not cut corners.Marinda Lingenfelder of CMLW Farming near Vaalwater farms with Kalahari Red goats. They are hardy, medium to large-framed lob-eared meat goats. She tells us more about her production norms and how they combat Hartwater, an infectious, non-contagious tickborne disease. Riana Olivier of Good Rabbit Meat has some information on research programs regarding the production of Rabbit meat. She is optimistic about the future of Rabbit meat production in SA. Dr. Johnny van der Merwe, Director of AMT, tells us more about the movement in grain and livestock markets.Jacques Jansen van Vuuren discusses the importance of creep feeding when it should be fed to lambs and what the characteristics are to ensure growth even when milk production of the ewe is decreased.

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To book an interview, contact us on landbouradiog@gmail.com