Food: Inflation, security and the gathering storm
Economics is boring. Or at least it can be a lot of the time. The global and local macro-economic landscape is always the context for the world that businesses operate…
Economics is boring. Or at least it can be a lot of the time. The global and local macro-economic landscape is always the context for the world that businesses operate…
On 7 November 2022, President Cyril Ramaphosa released a letter to the nation on climate change. The president indicated that the flooding earlier this year, the wildfires in the Table…
According to the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development, an outbreak of rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) in the Karoo areas of the Western and Northern Cape provinces have…
“As dit kom by die inkuiling van gewasse, kan geen boer bekostig om foute maak nie. Die tydsverloop van afsny totdat die material gekerf, gekompakteer en in die bunker geseël…
Volgens die Diereverbeteringswet 1998 (wet 62 van 1998) is daar n paar vereistes wat bepaal waaraan daar voldoen moet word om as geregistreerde diere erken te word. Die wet bepaal…
Volgens die Braunvieh telersgenootskap is die Braunvieh beesras waarskynlik die oudste suiwer beesras met rekords wat terug dateer tot sover as 800 v.C Nog n interessante brokkie inligting is dat…
Tygerberg Hospital Children’s Trust (THCT) is proud to present the World Preemie Festival. This annual event aims to bring awareness and raise funds for technology advancement crucial for the care of…
Navorsing is n integrale deel van landbou. Daar word voortdurend gesoek na oplossings en metodes om landbou in alle sektore te verbeter. Een so oplossing wat gevind is om die…
The new crop season for South Africa begins at the time when the northern hemisphere’s season tails off and harvest estimates start trickling in. The global harvest outlook and stock…
It’s a common scene across many African countries’ rural areas: cows grazing peacefully. But, by 2050, heat stress induced by climate change may drastically alter this familiar picture. Findings from the…