In recent years the agricultural industry has witnessed a transition towards sustainable and environmentally conscious practices, with the adoption of biological products emerging as a key driver in this shift. Unlike traditional synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, biological products leverage the power of nature to foster a more balanced and sustainable approach to farming. By promoting biodiversity, reducing environmental impact, increasing crop yields, combating pests and diseases, and improving the long-term resilience of agricultural systems, biological and bio stimulant solutions help address the global demand for sustainable, nutritious food.
Andermatt: Global leaders In biorationals
Andermatt Madumbi represents a collaborative effort between Andermatt Biocontrol, a prominent figure in the development of biological crop protection solutions, and Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture. Guided by the belief that nature drives innovation, these two organizations have united their expertise to offer pioneering and sustainable agricultural products.
Established in 1988 by Martin and Isabel Andermatt in their student lodging, Andermatt Biocontrol achieved the world’s first approval for deploying a granulovirus in food production. Over the past 35 years, the Andermatt Group’s continuous development of impactful biological solutions has introduced several high-quality sustainable alternatives for plant protection.
Renowned for their leadership in baculovirus products, Andermatt boasts registrations in more than 50 countries worldwide and production of 21 virus products. The safety, specificity, and integration capabilities of baculoviruses into integrated pest management (IPM) strategies position them as a fundamental element in modern biocontrol solutions. Ongoing research and development will continue to enhance the effectiveness and outstanding quality of Andermatt’s baculovirus-based products.

Andermatt Madumbi – uniquely African
Andermatt Madumbi, based in South Africa, specialises in delivering premium bio-rational solutions that collaborate with nature to optimize crop productivity and support farming methods that yield healthy, nutrient-rich, and residue-free produce, catering not only to the South African, but also the global market.
Their focus on developing solutions tailored to African climatic conditions is supported by robust scientific principles and driven by delivering quality products. Emphasizing the promotion of biological products that enhance integrated farming practices Andermatt prioritizes the transfer of technical knowledge through an established network of agricultural retailers/distributors.
Their skilled team of biological specialists are located in different geographical regions across South Africa and offer expertise, tailored as needed, to support each climatic region and crop, often accompanying partners on farm for hands on assistance. They drive conversations around bio-rational interventions and positively influence African farming practices.
Quality biocrop protection
Andermatt Madumbi’s BioCrop Protection range consists of crop protection products of which the active ingredients are biorational in origin and efficacy. This range includes fungi, bacteria, baculoviruses and plant extracts.
- Biofungicides: Naturally occurring microorganisms protecting plant tissue from Biofungicides pathogen attacks.
- Biobactericides: Naturally occurring microorganisms protecting plant tissue from bacterial plant pathogen attacks.
- Bioinsecticides: Naturally occurring microorganisms used to control various pests including Baculovirus solutions.
Baculoviruses and the benefits
The safety and specificity benefits of baculoviruses, and their ability to blend into integrated pest management (IPM) programs makes them a cornerstone solution in modern biocontrol programmes.
Why baculoviruses should be included in an ipm strategy:
- Safe for non-target organisms and the preservation of beneficial insects like pollinators and natural predators.
- Safe for farm personnel, processing staff, consumers, and the environment.
- High compatibility; allowing for tank mixing with other insecticides and fungicides and for use in partnership with beneficial insects.
- Unique mode of action; excellent for resistance management and reliance on chemical pesticides.
- Residue free: Critically important for crops needing to meet specific market access criteria.
Baculovirus solutions available:
Bolldex ®
A nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearNPV) suspension concentrate formulation for the biological reduction of African Bollworm (ABW) Helicoverpa armigera larvae on all crops.
Cryptex ®
A granulovirus suspension concentrate formulation for the biological reduction of False Codling Moth larvae (FCM) Cryptophlebia leucotreta on avocado, citrus, pomegranates, persimmons, tree nuts, stone fruit and table grapes.
Madex ®
A granulovirus suspension concentrate formulation for the biological reduction of Codling Moth larvae (CM) Cydia pomonella on apples and pears.
Quality control for virus solutions?
Bioassays are an excellent tool to assess the effectiveness of baculoviruses as biocontrol agents.
With baculovirus solutions, potency results from the host-virus interaction. This results in a different number of OB (occlusion bodies) being required for each different product (and target), which is determined using LC50 values. LC50 is the lethal concentration that is required to kill 50% of the pest after a specified duration and under specific conditions.
By exposing pest larvae to various concentrations of baculovirus preparations and measuring the resulting mortality rate, product performance, and quality can be measured. Andermatt formulates the concentrations of each of their baculovirus products for maximum product stability and efficacy in the field and bioassays form a critical part of their routine quality assurance process.
All Andermatt Madumbi products are registered by DALRRD (Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development), they are tried, trusted and scientifically proven to deliver results, but more importantly, have a proven track record ‘on farm’.
Andermatt Madumbi CEO, Michelle Lesur believes: “Biological solutions are deserving of more recognition in the growers ‘IPM tool kit’. The inclusion of biologicals into existing grower IPM programs is a key focus area for Andermatt Madumbi. Join use as partners in leading the change towards a more sustainable future and cultivate healthier crops, healthier soils, and a healthier planet.”