Multicote™ polymer-coating technology
The most reliable and effective way to control the availability of nutrients for plant uptake, is by regulating their release into the soil solution. This can be achieved by encapsulating soluble fertilizer particles inside a polymeric coating. Haifa Group has one of the worlds’ most reputable coating technologies that are used to produce Multicote™ and Multicote™ Agri components.
During the production process, granules of soluble fertilizer are coated with very specialised polymer layers. These polymer coatings act as a semi-permeable barrier, allowing measured diffusion of nutrients when the fertilizer granules are in close contact with the soil.
Multicote™ Agri – an advanced plant nutrition solution
Haifa’s Multicote™, a 100% polymer coated fertilizer, led to the development and introduction of Multicote™ Agri.
Multicote™ Agri, involves the blending of various fully coated fertilizer components, with readily available fertilizers (starter) to create a mix that is an economically viable solution for cultivating open field crops.
Multicote™ Agri Controlled Release Fertilizers are designed to feed crops continuously throughout the growing season – for optimum results. Multicote™ Agri releases nutrients to the soil in a gradual manner, according to plant’s requirements. This technology prevents leaching of nutrients, therefore improving nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and allowing for reduced application rates.
Multicote™ Agri products are highly beneficial in most environmental conditions, but stand out under the following conditions:
- On light soils, where conventional fertilizers are easily leached
- In rainy areas, when rainfall accelerates nutrient leaching
- Wherever nitrogen application is limited, e.g. by environmental regulations
- Where fertigation equipment installations are inadequate
- For crops with a shallow root system
- For crops with high nutritional requirements
- In cases where mid-season application is not feasible (e.g. when the crop covers the soil surface, in mulched crops and in muddy fields)
Multicote™ Agri is an ideal fertilizer for cash crops in open field, protected crops and fruit-trees.
Multicote® Agri – family
A variety of Multicote Agri type formulations have been developed to support orchards from nursery stage, through to establishment of young trees, and into fully productive orchards. These products include but are not limited to, the following formulations:
- MCA (4) Juvenile + Zn & B
- MCA (4) Papa
- MCA (6) Juvenile + K
- MCA (8) Juvenile + Zn & B
- MCA (8) Oscar + TE
- MCA (8) Papa
The formulations are applied in a single application, ranging from 250g – 1350 g/tree depending on tree size and nutritional requirement. The recommendation for your specific orchards’ needs will be recommended by a qualified Haifa Agronomist, based on orchard history, nutritional status and soil parameters.
A single application per year ensures continuous, steady plant nutrition, with neither hazardous excesses nor deficiencies that might disturb plant development and will ensure optimum nutritional conditions.
Join the pioneers
If you want to join the pioneers in modern fertilization practices which are much more sustainable than practices of years gone by, then contact your nearest Haifa distributor to ensure you get the right solution to grow your crop in a more sustainable manner.