
Parliament will be hearing oral submissions from today from various organisations and individuals regarding the Expropriation Bill. Free State Agriculture will be preparing itself in defence of property rights, the rule of law and healthy economic policies. The organisation will explain to the members of parliament why the two houses (Parliament and the National Council of Provinces) must vote, with a large majority, against the bill to avoid a poverty crisis in the country.

“Free State Agriculture rejects the Bill (B23-2020) in its current form, any amendment to section 25 of the Constitution (Act 108 of 1996) or any similar bills of which may have a negative impact on any form of private property rights. Expropriation of any form of private property without compensation is completely rejected.” says Dr. Jack Armour, Commercial manager of Free State Agriculture.

Free State Agriculture will oppose any legislation that may have a negative impact on any form of property right or expropriation without compensation of any form of private property. The organisation explained that property rights must be expanded to be accessible for all South Africans. The Expropriation Bill diminishes and threatens property rights.

Free State Agriculture proposes:

  1. To support future-oriented economically sustainable agricultural development.
  2. The state must fulfil its responsibility with regards to infrastructure, extension
    services and other agricultural support services in cooperation with the private
  3. The state, commercial banks and other financing institutions must establish
    models to provide financing that provides full title to all new entrants to

Free State Agriculture warned of repercussions should MP’s ignore South Africans
objections and fail to stop the bill:

  • Already uncertainty, downgrades, disinvestment. A dangerous gap for EWC enacted and in the wrong hands will be disastrous for SA.
  • EWC enacted will be a drain to the fiscus on legal battles more costly than
  • just buying the land.
  • A destruction of all property rights will cut us off from the developed world and
  • leave us at the mercy of unreliable politicians (3 spheres of gov.) for just and
  • equitable land allocation = instability.
  • Uncertainty -> Capital flight = job losses = more instability.
  • Unrealistic expectation created increases instability, racial tension and
  • worsening rural crime.
  • Food security impact by devastating productive commercial agriculture at all 3
  • levels from back yard, to smallholder to commercial.
  • Destroy people’s hope to receive title deeds and ownership of a property to
  • call their own – to build individual and generational wealth on.
  • Prevent the transfer of skills and stop the goodwill from the commercial sector
  • to develop successful new farmers.

Free State Agriculture has launched a successful campaign to help stop the Expropriation Bill through an online petition. The campaign generated 85 000+ individual objections against the Expropriation Bill. More information regarding the current Bill can be found on https://vrystaatlandbou.co.za/stop-expropriation/

The organisation warned that the process may have to start from afresh if irregularities that have been raised by the Institute of Race Relations are found to be true. Therefore, the public should not stop supporting Free State Agriculture’s written submissions. Visit Free State Agriculture’s website to help make your submission against the Expropriation Bill.