Landbou Radio – 7 June 2021

The earliest mention of pruning was in the bible as far back as around 4000 BCshowedevidence of pruning in the form of bonsai. And the first written evidence of dwarfed trees was in China 23–265 AD which involved the pruning of roots and crown. In modern days science evolved around pruning and pruning techniques. But to prune, specialist tools and proper cleaning are necessary. In our program of 7 June, Dr. Elna van der Linde, Research Team Manager, Plant Microbiology ARC Plant Health and Protection. It is easy to neglect caring for pruners, but with proper sharpening and regular cleaning, they will last longer and perform much better. Annemarie Bremner of Kleinskuur Aquaponics talks about organic production and how to get started. She explains how the system works using fish. As we celebrate Youth month in June, she also has some information on training and courses they offer. Sjoerd ten Cate, Technical Director of Feedtek has some information regarding ruminants and mineral deficiencies such as selenium, cobalt, copper, and zinc. The concentration and availability of minerals and vitamins depending on pasture composition, soil type, climatic conditions, and stage of maturity, as well as the grazing selectivity of the animals. Cobus Visagie, Senior Commercial Manager at Afrimat, tells us more about their agricultural Lime and what the benefits farmers will have with the use of agricultural lime. Steve Terblanche of the Eastern Freestate Potato Group talks about different potato cultivars in South Africa and equipment used to harvest potatoes.

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To book an interview, contact us on landbouradiog@gmail.com