Landbou Radio – 8 November 2021

Cancer-bush (Sutherlandia Frutescens) or known as Kankerbossie and Gansie, is a bitter tasting plant known for its’s medicinal value. It is a fairly wide-spread, drought-resistant plant in South Africa. Cocklebur, also known as Kankerroos, is a branched, semi-herbaceous plant of which the seeds are particularly poisonous. It is a declared weed and must be controlled or eradicated. In our program of 8 November, Dr Maryke Crayven, Senior Researcher at the ARC in Potchefstroom talks about these plants.

Piet van der Merwe of Posboom Distillers tells us more about the Kankerbossie Gin that he produces. It was first launched in 2020 and has won a gold medal in the 2020 and 2021 International Michelangelo Wine and Spirits Awards.
Michelle Lesur is the CEO of Andermatt Madumbi. She talks about the meaning of biological products and what makes biological solutions different from conventional products. Andermatt Madumbi has recently had a rebrand, from Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture to Andermatt Madumbi. She explains what this means for growers.
Bernie van den Heever of Tamarak Mango Estate near Clanwilliam, talks about farming with mangos, and the new cultivar Topika

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To book an interview, contact us on landbouradiog@gmail.com