Good rains raise the risk of insect-borne livestock diseases and produces of livestock need to vaccinate their animals against diseases such as, Tree-day-stiffness-sickness, Lumpy skin disease, Bluetongue, Rift Valley Fever and Africa Horse sickness. Rift Valley Fever is a viral zoonosis that primarily affects animals but can also infect humans. In our program of 9 November, Dr Danie Odendaal, Director of Veeartsnetwerk talks about the importance of vaccinating your livestock. He also updates us on the availability of vaccines.
Dr Angela Buys of Design Biologix, tells us more about the work they do in our country and in Africa. Design Biologix is a leader in the field of animal vaccine research development and manufacture in Africa. Products include both registered and autogenous vaccines.
Frans Jordaan, Researcher at the ARC in Irene, talks about frame-size management and profitability. To a large extend, environment determines the productive system that a cattle farmer should follow to maximise profit.
Johan Vlok, has some information on nutrients in feeds for livestock and the importance of animal nutrition in a livestock production. An animal will only perform at it’s potential if it is well fed.
Tune in to your favorite community radio station or listen to the program on your cell phone or computer using the Landbou Radio SoundCloud link. Farm with joy.
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