Postharvest considerations for handling early mandarins
The peel of early satsumas is susceptible to damage because it is very thin and some require degreening. Satsumas are small-medium sized trees, whose open growth and pruning practices allow them to have a good aeration of the crown.
South Africa has been experiencing extremely intense summers and heat waves with high surface temperatures and minimal rainfall. This combination of events is not ideal for satsumas. The high solar radiation to which citrus fruits are exposed can compromise the final quality without proper field handling.
The fruits of the satsuma genus suffer from several specific field problems that become visible during the postharvest period. Due to the type of peel of satsumas and their thinness, these fruits often suffer from superficial sunburn in the field. After harvesting, during the post-harvest period, the discoloration/ staining progresses and becomes visible.
Any peel defects in the fruit will lower the price received by the producer, exporter, or the fruit and vegetable warehouses. The price will be affected based on the extent of impact and the quality of the citrus. In general, price decreases of up to 50% are observed. In the worst-case scenario, prices may decrease by 100%, with the return of the affected items.
Early mandarin skin sunburn solution
Superficial burning of the skin in early mandarins can only be stopped in the field, for this purpose DECCO proposes DECCOshield as a solution. It is a formulation that covers the fruits and trees that protect from:
- UV excess
- Heat stress

This is achieved thanks to the diffusion of radiation on the surface of both the fruit, the leaves, and the tree. Allowing photosynthesis, but avoiding excess solar radiation.
DECCO Shield is a liquid calcium complexed solution that works well for citrus mandarins, cucurbits, specifically cantaloupe, and watermelon. Deccoshield offers a protective layer on the peel of the fruit, acting as a physical barrier by diffusing radiation, which enhances photosynthesis. The application is uncomplicated, and washing it in the warehouse is even easier, thanks to the unique liquid formulation.
The peel of early mandarins is very thin and close to the segments, sometimes revealing their shape. When managing the most appropriate post-harvest management, we must consider the following considerations:
- Harvest with the right tools, avoiding pulling the fruit.
- Please be aware of fruit that may have imperfections such as sun damage.
- Drench the fruit within 24 hours after harvest.
- Be cautious when unloading fruit onto the conveyor and ensure the rollers are at the right speed.
- Do not hit/knock the fruit to avoid Oleocellosis.
- Do not force the degreening process.
Be especially careful with the satsuma Owari during the post-harvest period due to its level of maturity, as an excess of maturity can cause puffing. This over-ripening will be easily distinguishable because during the harvest, if not especially careful, the entire peduncle is lost.
Each moment of the satsuma season has its peculiarities, and each variety has unique characteristics that are influenced by the weather. At DECCO, we aim to provide you with expert advice so that you can make well-informed decisions for your business based on the most up-to-date information available.