At SENTER360 we are proud to not only supply products but also build long-term relations with our clients by delivering a package of high-quality products and excellent service. The SENTER360 centre pivot, manufactured since 1994, is known for its excellent quality and strength above industry standards. We have been part of the irrigation industry for more than 25 years and have interests in South Africa, Africa and in the rest of the world.
We are passionate about our centre pivots. We do not only build a tough, very strong structure but also spend time on the small details to make a big difference in your everyday life.
Structural stability
SENTER360 tower trusses are manufactured from pipe and not angle iron as is commonly used by other brands. The advantage of the lighter and structurally stronger material enables us to use two more sets of trusses per tower than is possible with angle iron trusses, ensuring an exceptionally strong structure. An added advantage of the pipe truss structure is its aerodynamic superiority above angle iron as a structural material. That is the reason for a SENTER360 machine withstanding a windstorm of 158km hour (actual field data) without any damage, confirming the reason why no SENTER360 was blown over in a recent storm (the only brand that was not blown over). Standard long-base beams, sturdy tower supports, stabilizing rods, diagonals and a low centre of gravity also contribute to exceptional stability.
Innovative control panels
The same modular principle used throughout the entire SENTER360 design is also visible in our control panel design. Our “basic” control panel is similar in functionality to the top panels of most other brands.
Standard functions include:
- on/ off
- feedback when the machine has stopped
- direct mm adjustment
- showing position of the machine
- low pressure & pressure start
- part circle and sector adjustment with variable mm application per sector
- auto reverse with variable mm application on return
- scheduling options, and many more!
All new and old** SENTER360 panels can be controlled by your cell phone*, tablet*, computer or base station by adding a simple plug in the “Communicator” unit of your choice (GPRS/cell network, WiFi or radio unit).
Full pump control, VSD control and feedback are also available on the same system.
*Android, IOS and other)
**Older panel controls are limited to on/off, direct mm adjustment, run and stop feedback communication. New panels have full function internet controls, record keeping, graphs, etc.
“Last sprinkler” solutions
One of the common problems with centre pivot irrigators is the regular blockage of the last nozzle. We have solved this problem in a simple innovative way, constantly keeping the last nozzle clean throughout the irrigation cycle.
SENTER360 centre pivots are equipped as standard with the high-quality, high-performance Komet Twister sprinklers operating at 10psi (0.7 bar) or optional 6psi (0.42 bar), mounted on drop pipes. This top-quality product ensures outstanding water distribution and water in the soil, even in trying climatic conditions.
Heavy duty motors and gearboxes
The standard drive train of a SENTER360 centre pivot is made up of heavy-duty wheel gearboxes with an optional five-year extended warranty*, driven by a 0.56kW (40:1) motor gearbox combination (30:1 and others are optional.) n
*Ts & Cs apply.
Contact us at 018 469 1331 or 082 564 5955